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Due to Very Many Drinking Coffee
Jakarta, Although still a pro-cons, some researchers find drinking a lot of coffee can increase the chances of a heart attack. With the exception of caffeine, coffee also contains elements of terpenoid.
The terpenoid element in the following coffee can increase blood cholesterol content. There is the addition of blood cholesterol content resulting in blocked artery blood vessels, until blood vessels must work extra hard.
However, the most important element of coffee is cafein. Cafein is a chemical substance that comes from plants that can stimulate the brain and nervous system. Caffeine belongs to an alkaloid type, also known as trimethylsanthin. Not just coffee, caffeine is also found in tea, cola, chocolate, energy drinks, or drugs.
In a cup of coffee cafein content of about 80 to 125 milligrams. A cup of espresso or a squashy coffee or a filter coffee is about 80 mg. Central in instant coffee around 65 mg cafein. One can of soft drink cola contains about 23 to 37 mg. Tea has a content of around 40 mg, while an ounce of chocolate has a content of about 20 mg caffeine.
To this day have not been found any scientific research results that mention the consumption of caffeine in normal scale at risk for health. However, consuming too much caffeine can cause many problems, such as tooth discoloration, bad breath, increased stress, heart attacks, sterility in men, digestive problems, addictions, and even early aging. The main cause of headache is also indicated is the wrong cafein.
Consumption of coffee in the morning in excessive amounts can increase blood pressure, stress levels, and cause poduksi hormone causes stress throughout the day. The caffeine in coffee stimulates the adrenal glands, which can increase one of the causes of stress after 18 hours.
The caffeine in coffee has the potential to increase blood pressure and heartbeats that are widely reported to be the cause of a common sense of ongoing stress on workdays. This impact is generally still will be followed until the night closer to sleep.
Caffeine can lead to excessive and irregular system of electrical discharge from the baby's brain cells due to lack of oxygen and can lead to damage to brain cells especially the large brain that controls the memory.
Some reports also say that coffee can disrupt the digestive tract by increasing the acidity of the stomach. Because too much coffee drinking resulted in injury to the walls of the gastrointestinal tract.
Coffee can also reduce the production of DHEa and other antiaging hormones to predict that drinking coffee can accelerate the aging system. Caffeine is also a diuretic (a substance that makes an urine more and more).
Women who regularly drink two or more cups of coffee a day can increase their risk of developing bone loss (osteoporosis). The effect of caffeine on pregnant women may be a little more will also have an influence on the fetus. Even so, consuming normal caffeine in daily life is usually not to give impact to the fetus.
Caffeine in coffee taken by women during pregnancy can also be proven to enter the fetal brain. As well as the time of delivery of oxygen content that can reach the baby is often a natural decline. Therefore, pregnant women should avoid or not drink too much coffee.
Different research results say, babies whose mothers drink very much coffee during pregnancy have a high risk of epilepsy.
In men, caffeine consumption is predicted to cause sterility because it can reduce sperm count and damage it. Some couples who have fertility problems attempted to reduce the consumption of foods or beverages that contain caffeine.
Addiction to caffeine is predicted to take place when the consumption of more than 600 milligrams of caffeine. Or the equivalent of five to six cups of coffee 150 ml / day, for 8-15 days in a row.
Cafein dose that can cause fatal is about 10 gr of cafein. However, the actual dose varies depending on body weight. Approximately 150 milligrams of body weight perkilogram cafein. When measured by drinking coffee treats, the fatal dose is equivalent to 50-200 cups of coffee / day. (various sources)
(msh /)
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Due to Too Much Coffee Drink Jakarta, Although still a controversy, the researchers found drinking too much coffee can increase the likelihood of heart attack. In addition to caffeine, coffee also contains an element called terpenoids. Element terpenoid in this coffee that can increase blood cholesterol levels. The increase in blood cholesterol levels causes clogged arteries, so blood vessels have to work extra hard. However, the main ingredient of coffee is fixed caffeine. Caffeine is a chemical derived from plants that can stimulate the brain and nervous system. Cafeine is classified as an alkaloid that is also known as trimetilsantin. Not only in coffee, caffeine is also found in tea, cola, chocolate, energy drinks (energy drink), or drugs. At a cup of coffee the content of caffeine is about 80 to 125 milligrams. A cup of espresso or squash coffee or filter coffee is about 80 mg. Medium in instant coffee about 65 mg of caffeine. One can of soft drinks cola contains about 23 to 37 mg. Tea contains about 40 mg, while an ounce of chocolate contains about 20 mg of caffeine. Until today there has been no scientific research results suggesting that consuming caffeine in normal levels is harmful to health. However, excessive consumption of caffeine can cause many problems, such as tooth discoloration, bad breath, increased stress, heart attacks, sterility in men, indigestion, addiction, and even premature aging. The main cause of headache is also suspected one of them is caffeine. Excessive coffee in the morning can increase blood pressure, stress levels, and trigger stress hormone production for a full day. Caffeine in coffee stimulates the adrenal glands, which can increase one of the factors causing stress after 18 hours. Caffeine in coffee has the potential to increase blood pressure and heartbeats are reported to be the cause of most prolonged stress on weekdays. This effect will usually still be carried until the evening before bedtime. Caffeine can lead to an excessive and irregular release of electrical charges from the baby's brain cells due to lack of oxygen and can cause damage to brain cells, especially the large brain that controls memory. Some reports also mention that coffee can disrupt the digestive tract by increasing the acidity of the stomach. Due to excessive drinking coffee causes injury to the walls of the gastrointestinal tract. Coffee can also reduce the production of DHEa and other antiaging hormones so it is estimated that drinking coffee can accelerate the aging process. Caffeine is also a diuretic (a substance that makes a person urinate more). Women who regularly drink two or more cups of coffee per day may increase the risk of bone loss (osteoporosis). The impact of caffeine on pregnant women may be more or less will affect the fetus. However, normal caffeine consumption in everyday life is generally not to give effect to the fetus. Caffeine in coffee taken by women during pregnancy is also shown to enter the fetal brain. And when the delivery of oxygen levels that can reach the baby often decreases. Therefore, pregnant women should avoid or not drinking coffee excessively. Another study says, babies whose mothers drink too much coffee when pregnant have a high risk of epilepsy. In men too much caffeine consumption is estimated to cause infertility because it can reduce sperm count or even destroy it. Some couples who have fertility problems are attempted to reduce the consumption of foods or beverages that contain caffeine. Addiction to caffeine is thought to occur if you consume more than 600 milligrams of caffeine. Or the equivalent of five to six cups of coffee 150 ml per day, for 8-15 days in a row. The dose of caffeine that can be fatal is about 10 grams of caffeine. However, the actual dose varies depending on weight. Approximately 150 milligrams of weight perkilogram caffeine. If measured by drinking coffee treats, the fatal dose is equivalent to 50-200 cups of coffee per day. (various sources) (msh /)
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