Kamis, 15 Februari 2018

Stay away from High-Calorie Foods But Stay Fat, Wrong Where?

obat pelangsing cepat

Stay away from High-Calorie Foods But Stay Fat, Wrong Where?


Jakarta, Reduce weight is difficult for many people. Despite struggling to stay away from high-calorie and fatty foods such as milk, cheese, pizza, burgers, and friends, but still it seemed hopeless. Wrong where? Being fat is not just because of the food. Local food can make fat. A simple example is eating too much goulash, coconut milk, frying and drinking sugary drinks, says nutritionist and dieter, Leona Victoria Djajadi MND. Added Victoria, reducing large meals ration is also not necessarily reduce the calories consumed. Especially when the hobby of snacking has not really lost. The reason, the number of calories is influenced by the type of food, whether it is rice, side dishes, vegetables, and how to cook, boiled, pan-fried, or fried.Read also: Still Believed, 5 Hoax Diet It Can Can Make Fat LhoJadi need to pay attention to what is eaten. If you eat only once a day, such as following the Intermitten Fasting diet then it does not matter. That's a problem if it's snacking all day, says a graduate of the University of Sydney. One trick to lose weight is to reduce the consumption of oil and fat, because the two names contain 2 times more calories than carbohydrates and proteins. Therefore, choose olive oil as a good choice of oil to saute or fry. In addition, Victoria said also reduce the salt intake that is usually present in fast food or instant.In the body, salt will absorb water so that water can not be used for purposes other, cause increased blood pressure and gain weight, pungkas Victoria.Read also: Often Shamed, Fat People Can Be Heart Disease (hrn / vit)





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