Kamis, 16 Februari 2017

Rapunzel syndrome, When Someone Hobby Hair Spot

Rapunzel syndrome, When Someone Hobby Hair Spot
                         Named as princess Rapunzel in Disney fairy tale that has very long hair, those who suffer from this syndrome has a strange habit of swallowing rambut.Sindrom rapunzel caused by psychiatric disorders in people who can not resist the desire to swallow her own hair. This condition is also called the trichophagia. Because of this habit, the hair on his stomach to reach the intestine halus.Kondisi other abnormalities similar to trichophagia is trichotillomania, in which the sufferer has a habit of pulling at rambutnya.Salah one rapunzel syndrome sufferers are women aged 38 years. He came to the doctor complaining of nausea, vomiting, and constipation, for nearly two days. He also could not swallow all the food, and stomach stood out. In addition, these women also lost weight to 7 kilos in the last 8 months. Over the past year also berkurang.Dokter appetite and perform examinations and tests, but no illnesses associated with these symptoms. Blood test results showed decreased levels of the protein in darahnya.Dokter suspect the woman's perceived symptoms are caused by something in their digestive systems, and decided to do the operation. After diooperasi, it turns out the doctor found a hair in the stomach rolls of 15x10 centimeters, with a peak at the tail section of the small intestine. In the intestine, doctors also discovered another hair bulb of hair cm.Bola 4x3 small size it according to the doctor causes protein levels to drop. This is because the hair ball was in the small intestine, where absorption protein.Operasi location is indeed succeeded in removing hair ball rolls. Patients are then encouraged to consume foods high in protein and also follow this mental.Sejauh health evaluation experts have noted 88 cases rapunzel syndrome. The majority occur in children and adolescents, and mostly occurs in women.
